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Inflation May Be Cooling, But Shoplifting Is on the Rise

Security TagsSteve Jacobs

While inflation has significantly come down, it’s still fueling a surge in shoplifting across the U.S. As prices remain high, more Americans are resorting to theft to make ends meet. A recent LendingTree survey, reported by CBS News, found that over 20% of Americans admitted to shoplifting in the past year, with 90% citing inflation and economic pressures as their main motivation.

The survey reveals that 34% of shoplifters cited unaffordable prices, 30% needed to make ends meet, and 27% were simply trying to save money. These thefts often target essentials like food, clothing, and makeup, with grocery stores being the most common targets.

The Council on Criminal Justice also reported a 24% increase in shoplifting during the first half of 2024, despite a decline in other crimes. In response, retailers are increasingly turning to Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) security tag systems to protect their inventory. These systems have proven effective, helping to deter theft and reduce losses significantly.

As shoplifting rises, it’s clear that economic challenges continue to drive desperate actions, even as inflation begins to cool.